Okay, so somehow the week just flew by and I haven't made any entries. So I am going to post all the random things that have happened the past few days.
First, I had another ice day from work on Tuesday. Kind of crazy since I usually never get snow days now that I only work a couple days a week. This was actually the first time in my entire life that I didn't really want a day off. I had to convince myself to be motivated to go back after Christmas break and once I did I was ready to get the semester moving and teach. And then, I was off again after only having taught one day. I was kind of bummed. I'm sure my students weren't, but I was. I did, however, enjoy the day off with Nolan and Carson. We just stayed home, played, and I got my web album updated with lots of pictures. So check it out. There is a link to the right.
Also on Tuesday, Carson went to his first Shake, Rattle, and Roll music class. It is taught by an incredibly talented lady named Mrs. Sarah. Nolan started taking music from her when he was 9 months and just finished his last class with her in December. He has graduated out of her program and now Carson gets to enjoy her wonderful class. He was so cute during the class. He just watched her in awe and smiled the whole time. He has watched Nolan before and really enjoyed the Christmas program too. He bounced and danced through the whole thing. Now he gets to participate and I can see that we are going to have a blast. I did have to dodge the drumstick a few times. He was very enthusiastic when it came to swinging it. I am so excited that we have this special thing that we get to do together every week. I'll keep you updated on his musical progress. :)
Wednesday night was our first youth service of 2009. I have really missed having service and seeing the kids regularly over the past month. During the worship and singing time, I just had this overwhelming feeling that we needed to stop and just let God work or direct where we needed to go next. I stopped playing the piano and just told the kids. "God's presence is so overwhelming in this place I feel like we need to stop and enjoy it." We did just that. We prayed, Marc shared a part of his message, and then we just prayed and sung some more. Other than my boys' laughter, there is nothing more that I enjoy hearing than teenagers singing praise songs and praying. Those are two of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard. I just wonder how much it must please God to hear them too. If it blesses me this much then how much more it must bless His heart. I wish every parent of our teenagers could be a fly on the wall to see and hear what we do each and every Wednesday night. God is doing amazing things in the hearts of our kids. And I can't wait to see what He has in store for this year.
I know this post is getting a little long, but what do you expect if I have to catch up on a week's worth of stuff. :)
The last thing I wanted to mention was my Bunco gals. Once a month, I get together with a group of girls and we play Bunco. It is really just an excuse to get together, chat, and LAUGH. We had so much fun tonight. I so appreciate each gal that is a part of our group and I am so thankful for our girls' night.
Today I am thankful for Carson's smiles, the sweet sound of teenagers praying and singing to God, and friends that you can let your hair down with and laugh so hard that you may even pee a little..... (not mentioning anyone in particular!)