Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Belated Christmas, cardboard boxes, and a trip to the ER part 2!

I forgot to mention one of the funniest things that happened while at the ER last night. I asked the nurse if Nolan could eat something when we got home because he was hungry. The nurse said he needed to stay on a jello and cracker diet for a few hours to make sure he didn't get sick again. She even offered to get him some jello for the ride home. After she left the room N decided to do a jello happy dance because he was so jazzed that the doctor ordered sugar for him. :) It was so cute. Also, a good sign that he was feeling better.

The other thing I forgot to mention was the irony of me being thankful for a full night's rest in my first blog and then get a big 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. That's like praying for patience... you never do it. I promise that a full night's sleep won't be mentioned on here again. :)

Belated Christmas, cardboard boxes, and a trip to the ER

Okay so I probably should take back what I said about not having anything to really share in blog posts. Apparently, I just set my self up for a little adventure. Yesterday our family celebrated Christmas with Marc's side of the family. We had to postpone it because my dad in law had been in the hospital on the actual Christmas day. So we went through the normal family tradition. Had snacks together, then opened gifts, and the kids had started playing with their new toys. Correction! Nolan and his cousin started playing with a box from the gifts.

The boys had been using the big box as a tunnel and climbing in and out of it. I thought nothing of it. N plays with boxes all the time. We moved them out to the playroom because they were starting to get a little rowdy. Not more than 5 minutes later. N's cousin is standing in the living room trying to get everyone's attention saying "N is hurt, N is hurt!" Marc rushes out to see and he is inside the box laying on his back crying hysterically. He had stood up with the tall narrow box around him, lost his balance, and fallen backwards on the hard concrete slab.

Long story short he became very lethargic slept most of the afternoon and then woke up in the evening vomitting. We called his doctor around 8:30 pm and they say head to the ER. He probably has a concussion. What a way to end a Christmas get together than with a visit to the ER.

Finally, 4 hours later we see a doctor and Nolan has to get a ct scan to make sure there is not a skull fracture or internal bleeding. He had finally started perking up a bit around 12:30 am. At 2:00 am we get the test results. He has a concussion without unconsiousness and has to take it easy and be watched at home over the next few days.

Awesome thing: We had contacted a couple of people on our way to the ER and had them start praying for N. I definitely know that their prayers are why he began feeling better and that everything turned out okay. Thank you to everyone that was praying for him.

Funny thing: As we pulled up to the ER, N asked why are we here? He thought we were going to see his regular doctor. I told him it was the hospital and then he said "But I'm not going to have a baby!". I said I know hospitals are for sick people too. This was where Grandpa was when he was in the hospital. N responded "Well then I don't want staples on my tummy either." Referring to grandpa's recent surgery. Poor guy... I can't imagine what he was thinking in our long 4 hour wait.

Thoughtful thing: I want to say that I was so touched by our friends and family that were so willing to be there for us when all this happened. Our family immediately stepped in to help and watch Carson so we could get to the ER. Friends called and offered to take Carson when they thought he was there with us. Others texted to check in and let us know they were praying. And others came to hang out and chat to help our waiting time pass more quickly. And thankfully distracting me to keep from worrying. Thank you to all of you for caring for us so much.

Today I am thankful for several things: God protecting Nolan, answered prayers, and wonderful friends and family.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

On the blogging bandwagon

Okay, so I am officially making my first post. I have been an avid blog reader for a few years now. However, I have not created my own blog before. Partly because I didn't think I really had anything profound to say. Partly because I thought it would be just an internet version of the many empty journals I have collected over the years. I always start with good intentions of keeping a journal or diary of my thoughts, but after about a week of entries I stop again. Not sure why.

So I am going to give this a shot and we will see what comes of it. :) I thought about calling the title of my blog RANDOMNESS. And I still might. In one word that is the best way to describe my life. I feel like some days I jump from one thing to another and by the end of the day as my head hits the pillow I am amazed by the random assortment of tasks I have completed that day.

Who am I? Well, mommy, youth pastor's wife, and gifted teacher are a few titles that apply. And with those titles you can begin to see how randomness is a good fit for my life description.

So here goes. My first entry into the blog world. I figured hey it is about time I jump in and contribute my two cents. It may not be original or deeply profound, but it will be my thoughts.

However, I am going to steal an idea from a girlfriend of mine. At the end of each entry she says something she is thankful for. I love that she does that and so MelBel thanks for the idea... I'm gonna steal it. :)

Today I am thankful for a full night's sleep and two boys that sleep through the night so that I can enjoy it. It's amazing how wonderful you can feel when you are actually rested.