Okay, so I am thinking that Nolan may have spent a little too much time around teenagers. This morning he was playing with a fake cell phone and he kept making the buttons beep over and over and over again. I finally told him to stop because it was driving me crazy. He quickly replied, "Mom I'm texting!". YIKES!!! Really.... texting... how does he even know this? Most kids his age pretend to talk to mommy and daddy on their play phones. No, not my kid he is texting his buddies on his. :)
The last couple of days it has been so cold here. And by so cold I mean well below freezing... single digits with windchill in the negatives. Check out the picture to see what the temperature read Thursday morn

ing when we got up. Anyway, cabin fever has really set in for Nolan. Everyday he has been begging to go outside to play. Finally, on Wed. I told him that it was too cold to play outside. It would hurt his skin if he went out there. That seemed to fix the problem he didn't ask to go out the rest of the afternoon. However, my genius idea back fired when it was time to go to church that evening. He said, "Mom, we can't go outside it will hurt our skin!". Oops, had to try to talk my way out of that one. Thankfully he complied after a little discussion.
Today I am thankful for something very simple.... heat. :)
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