Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tacky Luau & Bunco Good Bye

The second Thursday of the month is always a good night! That is when the Bunco Babes get together for girls' night. This month was my turn to host. It was also a special night because it was my good friend Shannon's last bunco before she moves to Hawaii. So what better way to send her off than with a tacky luau bunco! I had ugly fish earrings, a crazy Hawaiian shirt, and, of course, a coconut bra for her to wear. We had lots of yummy Hawaiian like food even ending with a fruity dessert topped with little umbrellas.

I always enjoy hanging out with the Bunco Babes. They are a wonderful bunch! I am sad that Shan is leaving us. But hope that we will end up living in the same place some time in the future. But until then... there is the awesome opportunity to take a trip to Hawaii to visit!!

Today I am thankful for Shannon. She has truly been a blessing to my life and a remarkable friend.

Growing Vocabulary

Carson has really started to expand his vocabulary these last couple of weeks. He has always been pretty verbal. Carrying on long conversations with others, but in his own language. Recently, he has decided to try out the English language. His vocab list now includes: Mommy, Daddy, ball, doggie, diaper, cup, bye-bye, night-night, trash, and our favorite.... yucky!

Most of the words are accompanied with a hand motion or funny facial expression. "Yucky" is our favorite because of the great facial expression he makes every time he says the word. Thought you might enjoy it too. And yes he is jotting down his new words with a pen and paper. ;)

Today I am thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom most of the week. I love spending time with my boys and enjoying these first few years that fly by way too quickly.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Carson on the Go!

As mentioned in an earlier post, Carson is loving preschool. I thought I would share a picture of my big guy walking into preschool toting his own lunch box. Every Tuesday he gets quite a few comments about what big boy he is and how cute he looks walking into school.

Also, today was crazy hair day at his preschool. I told the teachers last week that it was a little discriminatory since C doesn't have much hair. But we did our best today to crazify his hair. Hope you can see the faint mohawk.

Today I am thankful for a wonderful Christian preschool program that Carson can attend while I am at work on Tuesdays.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Black & Sons Lego Construction

One of Marc's favorite toys and past times as a kid was playing with Legos. He and his brother accumulated thousands of Legos over the years. A couple of years ago, Marc brought all the Legos from his childhood to our house. That's when Nolan's obsession began. Maybe it is in his DNA from his dad. He thinks and sleeps Legos. The eating part is usually Carson's contribution. Lately, Marc and Nolan set up the train table and have built an entire Lego village on it. Their town includes a church, hotel, diner, horse show/stables, two cottages, a gas mart, mechanic shop and a grocery store. There is even stadium seating for the horse show. Nolan is the project director and comes up with the building ideas that his construction worker/architect, Daddy, creates.

The other day while getting ready for school. Nolan told Marc that he could not go to school that day. Marc asked why. Nolan said, "I can't go to school because all I think about is Legos." See I wasn't kidding when I told you it was an obsession.

Today I am thankful that my husband's engineering degree is put to good use during Lego playtime.

Things are a changing...

It's official, I am the mother of a school age child. It is so hard to believe that 5 years have flown by and that Nolan is already in kindergarten. It is a weird thing to adjust to. Previously, he had only attended a 2 day preschool and on one of those days I was working. So we were together all the time. Now he is gone all day, every day to school. It is very strange to have him gone so much.

So far he really seems to enjoy school and loves his teacher. Since he is naturally an early riser, we have not had any problems getting up and going for school. However, peeling him away from the Lego table to go to school has been an issue. But that is another blog post all together.

Carson started preschool this year. He attends one day a week while I am working. He too is doing a great job and loves his teachers. He is so cute, he insists on carrying his own lunch box into school. What a big boy!!!

Today I am thankful for holidays off from school so we all get to hang out together.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm Back!!!

So end of spring and summer have been incredibly busy. I took my blog offline for a while because I knew there was no hope or chance to update. Now that we are back in the swing of things this fall I am back online and hope to update regularly. Many more post and pictures to come soon.

Today I am thankful for the craziness of life settling down a bit and things getting back to normal in the Black household.