Sunday, April 12, 2009

Not a Sugar Fan

Yesterday was Carson's 1st birthday. We had a little family party at our house to celebrate. He did pretty good with the gift opening. He seemed a little scared of us when we sang to him. But the biggest surprise of the day was his absolute repulsion of the cake. He didn't want to have anything to do with it. He was very upset about having the sticky stuff on his hands and he got even madder when I tried to put a little of the cake in his mouth.

Usually kids dig into the cake and have a blast chowing down on that first big chance for sugar. Well, not Mr. Carson. The only part of it that did excite him was when we gave him a fork and spoon to use to attack his cake. Even then he wasn't happy when he got cake on his "toys". A little later he managed to try a little of Angela's cake and seemed to enjoy it. So when we got him his own piece again to try he refused. It was the funniest thing.

Here are a few pictures from his big day.
The airplane smash cake and fire truck made by LB. :)
"Get that yucky stuff away from me."

"Hooray for silverware!"
"I do not like cake especially on my fingers or fork!"
Today I am thankful for Carson. He is such a blessing to our family.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Date Night!

Yay for date night!!! This week all the regular youth activites are cancelled for Easter. So that means we have a free Tuesday and Wednesday night this week. Yes mark your calendars friends.... Marc & Leah Beth have some free time. :)

So tonight we had the chance to go to dinner with two other couples. It was so much fun to hang out with friends and chat. Oh and better yet... we didn't bring the kids. We hired a couple of babysitters for all the bigger kids. Carson went to Grandma's and we had baby Gage with us. It was wonderful. I didn't have to take N to the bathroom once the food arrived OR pick up food, toys, or my silverware off the floor because of C.

Today I am thankful for great friends.... even if they are moving or have moved away. :( A good time is definitely in store when the Black/Parks/Richardson clans get together. Next BPR date night will be in Hawaii (hint, hint!!!)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Action Packed!!!!

I know, I know it has been forever since I blogged. But I assure you it is because of a good reasons. The last month and a half have been action packed for us. We have been so busy much of life seems like a blur. Here are a few things that have occurred.

Best friends and ministry partners resigned from our church which meant I planned and organized a large farewell dinner... with the help of a great committee. This also means I picked up additional responsibilities too. Say hello to the director for this year's VBS. :)

Fine Arts for my youth kids is in full swing so at least 7 hours a week I am in practices with a variety of teams like human video, drama, percussion, puppet, and youth choir. I love doing it, but boy is it tiring. Our youth group is also going on a mission's trip this summer. We are going to do community work and children's outreaches on an Indian reservation in Osage, Oklahoma. Missions trips = fundraisers. I am also trying to delegate and organize numerous fundraisers before July. Hopefully we will be able to raise all the money needed. Surely with doing everything from ice skating, spaghetti dinners, passing out pizza flyers, and ice cream socials we will be able to raise it all.

Nolan turned 5 on March 19th. I can't believe he is going to be in kindergarten in the fall. We had a superhero party for him and all his little buddies came dressed in their capes and masks. His big gift this year was a big boy bike with training wheels. He has only had it for a couple weeks now and every day he asks for the training wheels to come off so he can be like his dad. He is growing up too fast. :(

Carson has kept us busy this last month too. He has become quite the explorer and is constantly on the go. He is still a crawler, but man can he get there and get there FAST. He has also recently learned to cruise along the couch. So he is getting better at the whole walking concept. I know it is only a matter of time and he will be off. And if he is like his brother he won't just walk, he will run. Saturday is Carson's 1st birthday. I just don't know where the year has gone. I remember with Nolan that the first year was very long and I was okay with it when he turned 1. Not with Carson... this time has flown and I don't want my baby to get too big too fast.

Nolan and Carson's relationship has also been changing. Since Carson is constantly on the go that means he is also into all of Nolan's toys. For the most part, Nolan doesn't mind sharing with him. Until C starts touching the Legos!!! Then all bets are off and patience is lost. Let's just say this part of their relationship is still a work in progress.

So in a nutshell that has been our life since my last post. Busy, crazy, but still fun.

Today, I am thankful for spring break. I have the entire week off and I am looking forward to hanging out with my boys and RESTING!!!!