One of Marc's favorite toys and past times as a kid was playing with
Legos. He and his brother accumulated thousands of
Legos over the years. A couple of years ago, Marc brought all the
Legos from his childhood to our house. That's when Nolan's
obsession began. Maybe it is in his DNA from his dad. He thinks and sleeps
Legos. The eating part is usually Carson's contribution. Lately, Marc and Nolan set up the train table and have built an entire Lego village on it. Their town includes a church, hotel, diner, horse show/stables, two cottages, a gas mart, mechanic shop and a grocery store. There is even stadium seating for the horse show. Nolan is the project director and comes up with the building ideas that his construction worker/architect, Daddy, creates.
The other day while getting ready for school. Nolan told Marc that he could not go to school that day. Marc asked why. Nolan said, "I can't go to school because all I think about is Legos." See I wasn't kidding when I told you it was an obsession.

Today I am thankful that my husband's engineering degree is put to good use during Lego playtime.