Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Belated Christmas, cardboard boxes, and a trip to the ER part 2!

I forgot to mention one of the funniest things that happened while at the ER last night. I asked the nurse if Nolan could eat something when we got home because he was hungry. The nurse said he needed to stay on a jello and cracker diet for a few hours to make sure he didn't get sick again. She even offered to get him some jello for the ride home. After she left the room N decided to do a jello happy dance because he was so jazzed that the doctor ordered sugar for him. :) It was so cute. Also, a good sign that he was feeling better.

The other thing I forgot to mention was the irony of me being thankful for a full night's rest in my first blog and then get a big 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. That's like praying for patience... you never do it. I promise that a full night's sleep won't be mentioned on here again. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

glad to hear Nolan is doing ok.... Jill