Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Latest

I haven't been able to blog in a while because we have had a nasty flu bug in our home over the last week. M, C, & N were all down and out this week. So far I have been able to escape it. I'm sure now having just typed that I am doomed to get it soon.

Carson has had a difficult time getting rid of this bug. After being able to finally keep food down, he has been fighting a fever and now possible sinus infection. Poor guy has been so out of it. In fact, the other night while I was cleaning up another sick mess, he was waiting on me in the living room. I found him fast asleep partially standing leaning against N's little couch. Poor baby passed out right there. Of course, the photographer in me snapped a shot before scooping him up and putting him to bed.

Today is Valentine's Day! Last night after the boys went to bed I put up some VDay decorations and put out their gifts. I haven't really done this before for Nolan and of course Carson, but I thought this year it would be fun since Nolan is more aware of the holiday. Nolan was so cute when we woke up. He was thrilled about the surprise decorations and gift. You would have thought it was Christmas morning or something.

Today I am thankful for lazy Saturdays. A wonderful chance to chill out and spend time with my boys. Oh and also for chocolate covered strawberries my traditional Valentine's gift from Marc. YUM!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Funny even in his sleep!

Although, up to this point, Carson has displayed a very laid back, easy going personality he is still a funny little man. He has a very cute sense of humor and giggles all the time. Lately, he has even demonstrated that he knows how and likes to make others laugh. He will initiate peekaboo games by hiding behind something and peeking out. Or he will hold a blanket up over his face and pull it down fast to see your reaction. It is so fun to watch his little personality develop. Much to our surprise he is even comical while sleeping. These are pictures are from the last couple of days when I have checked on him while napping. In the first one, he fell asleep on his own and when I checked to make sure he was okay I saw that he had his face smushed in the rails and his arms hanging out. He was sound asleep and I didn't dare move him for fear naptime would be over. :) Who knew he would have so much personality even while in dreamland.

Today I am thankful that I have the opportunity to be a stay at home mom most of the time. I love being home to catch these little moments and watch as Carson grows and develops each day.